We must not neglect to mention one other very remarkable fact relative to copper. The Servilian family, so illustrious in our annals, nourishes with gold and silver a copper triens,[1] which devours them both. The origin and nature of this coin is to me incomprehensible;[2] but I will quote the very words of the story, as given by old Messala[3] himself—"The family of the Servilii is in possession of a sacred triens, to which they offer every year a sacrifice, with the greatest care and magnificence; the triens itself, they say, appears sometimes to increase in size and sometimes to diminish; changes which indicate the coming advancement or decadence of the family."

1. A Roman coin, equal to the third part of the "as."—B.

2. We most fully coincide with Pliny in this sentiment, but we are constrained to differ from him in giving credit to the alleged fact, as he appears to have done.—B.

3. See the list of authors at the end of this Book.